Meeting Organized by the
Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council
Amy Buthod, President
Oklahoma Biological Survey, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory
Robert Bebb Herbarium
The University of Oklahoma
Laura Goodman, President-Elect
Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Oklahoma State University
Karen Hickman, Treasurer
Environmental Science Program, Director
Oklahoma State University
Jerí Irby, Secretary
Keep America Beautiful
At Large Board Members
Class of 2023-2024
Jodie Crose, Corteva Agriscience
Brandon Gibson, Tribal Alliance for Pollinators
Chris Hise, The Nature Conservancy
Steven Smith, Noble Research Institute
Class of 2022-2023
Dennis Martin, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture,Oklahoma State University
Marla Peek, Oklahoma Farm Bureau
Jay Pruett, Conservation Consultant
Elaine Gainer, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Conference Committee Chair
Priscilla Crawford, Oklahoma Biological Survey
Oklahoma Invasive Species Conference
Friday, December 1, 2023
Lake Arcadia Conservation Education Center, Edmond, OK (map)
Conference Schedule
9:00 Check-in
9:30 Welcome and OkIPC Activities since 2020
Karen Hickman - Director, Environmental Science Program, OSU
10:00 NRCS's Role in Addressing Invasive Species
Steve Glasgow - State Resource Conservationist, NRCS
10:30 Break
10:45 Invasives in Right-of-Ways
Vonceil Harmon - Natural Resource Specialist, Oklahoma Biological Survey
11:15 Color Oklahoma
Dennis Martin - Professor & Turfgrass Extension/Research Specialist, OSU
11:40 Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) and the Invasive Sorghum Aphid (Melanaphis sorghi)
Haley Butler - Graduate Student, Department of Entomology, OSU
12:00 Taco Bar Lunch
1:30 Amphibian Infectious Disease Presence in Oklahoma
Jessa Watters - Collection Manager, Sam Noble Museum, OU
2:00 Invasive Carp
Kristen Sardina - Fisheries Biologist, USFWS Tishomingo
2:30 Feral Hogs
Scott Alls - State Director, Wildlife Services
3:00 Break
3:30 Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council Business & Member Meeting