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Thank You to Our Meeting Sponsors:


Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources - OSU

Entomology and Plant Pathology - OSU

Natural Resource Ecology and Management - OSU

Oklahoma Biological Survey

Oklahoma Farm Bureau

Oklahoma Natural Areas Registry

Oklahoma Chapter of The Nature Conservancy

Oklahoma Society for Range Management

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation


Invasive Species Conference

March 13, 2015

National Weather Center in Norman Map


8:00 - Check-in and light breakfast

8:30 - Introductions

8:50 - How agronomic cropping systems have affected invasive plant introductions and spread in Oklahoma. Angela Post, Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, OSU

9:20 - Risk assessment of Zebra Mussels and Bighead Carp in Oklahoma's Waters.  Jim Long, OK Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, OSU

9:50 - Morning Break with refreshments

10:15 - Invasive Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera): A potential future threat to Oklahoma’s natural areas. Shishir Paudel, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, OSU

10:45 - Past, Present, and Future: Plant Diseases in Oklahoma.  Jennifer Olson, Plant and Insect Diagnostic Laboratory, OSU

11:15 - Global Climate Change Impacts on Invasive Species. Renee McPherson, South Central Climate Science Center, OU

11:45 - Lunch

1:00 - Biological Control of Saltcedar: An Areawide Pest Management Approach.  Allen Knutson, AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M

1:30 - Invasive Plant Management Techniques used by the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. Scott Johnson, Wichita Mountains NWR

2:00 - Invasive plant removal as part of habitat restoration within NWTF Focal Landscapes in Oklahoma and Texas. Gene Miller, National Wild Turkey Federation

2:30 - Afternoon break with refreshments

2:45 - Free-ranging Domestic Cats as Invasive Species: Impacts on Native Wildlife and the Controversies Surrounding Management. Scott Loss, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, OSU

3:15 - Student Presentations and Awards (PDF of Abstracts)

4:15 - Tour of the National Weather Center


Student Presentations


We had a record setting number of student presentation submissions!  Students from Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma, and Southwestern Oklahoma State University delivered six oral presentations and eleven poster presentations.  Topics included urban invasive trees, toxic algae, feral cats, kudzu observations, and many more.  Read all the student research abstracts by downloading the PDF handout.


OK Invasives is the informational and citizen science project website for the Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council and their partners.


As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council does not act in the interests of any individual or entity. We do not endorse any specific products, services, or companies.


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