Free Monthly Webinars
Learning to Use Herbicides and Herbicide Resistant Weeds
Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 10:00 a.m.
Dr. Misha Manuchehri will discuss how herbicide resistant weeds are selected for, including what weed species are most likely to develop resistance and what herbicides are most susceptible to resistance. Long-term versus short term weed management strategies will be discussed.
Dr. Dennis Martin will provide a rapid overview of the various application methods used for herbicide application in weed suppression programs in various use sites but with emphasis on non-row crop sites such as turf, right of way, forestry, and aquatic use sites.
10:00 - Development and Management of Herbicide Resistant Weeds
Misha Manuchehri, Assistant Professor and Extension Weed Scientist
Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University
10:25 - A How-To Guide for Herbicide Use in Non-Agricultural Settings & How to Become a Certified Applicator
Dennis Martin, Professor and Extension Turf Specialist
Dept of Horticulture & Landscape Management, Oklahoma State University