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Dirty Dozen Poster
This educational poster was developed by the Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council to illustrate to Oklahomans the worst, both economically and ecologically, invasive plants in our state.
Species depicted on the poster are:
Cheatgrass - Bromus tectorum
Chinese Privet - Ligustrum sinense
Eastern Redcedar - Juniperus virginiana
Field Brome - Bromus arvensis
Hydrilla - Hydrilla verticillata
Japanese Honeysuckle - Lonicera japonica
Johnsongrass - Sorghum halepense
Musk (Nodding) Thistle - Carduus nutans
Russian Thistle - Salsola tragus
Saltcedar - Tamarix spp.
Sericea Lespedeza - Lespedeza cuneata
Siberian Elm - Ulmus pumila
Yellow Bluestem - Bothriochloa ischaemum
Paper copies of the poster are currently unavailable.
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