Invasive Plant Database
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This database is a new service on our website. We are still working out all the kinks. Please let us know if you discover any problems, missing information, or inaccuracies. Thanks!
OkIPC Watch List Statement of Purpose
In addition to the Dirty Dozen List of Unwanted Invasive Species, the Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council has created a Watch List of invasive plant species known to be one or more of the following:  
present in Oklahoma and/or a bordering state 
negatively affecting the economy, environment, or human health in Oklahoma and/or a bordering state   
listed as a noxious weed or an aquatic nuisance plant species in Oklahoma and/or a bordering state
This list is to be used to facilitate education and management of invasive plant species in Oklahoma. The Watch List is not a static document and is subject to change as new data become available.