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Publications About Invasives

New Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet, co-authored by OkIPC President Karen Hickman, covers invasive species regularly used in horticulture.


“Gardeners are constantly on the lookout for a new and interesting plant that might bring beauty and interest to their landscape. Some of these plants are cultivars of common native plants found across the forests, prairies, shrublands and wetlands of the southern Great Plains. Others come from foreign shores. Most of the plants encountered in a plant nursery are benign and can be safely brought into the home garden. However, some of them are significant threats to the ecological integrity of Oklahoma. These invasive plants not only are a problem for native flora and fauna, they often impact agricultural production, clog waterways and burden landowners with additional costs. This fact sheet is designed to help you avoid some of these problem plants. While Oklahoma has many invasive plants, a few of the species either currently or likely to become significant problems for our state are discussed here, as well as plants commercially available in plant nurseries or from online vendors. Education about identifying these problem plants is encouraged and suitable alternatives can be found.”


Learn more about invasive species by checking out other online sources.


OK Invasives is the informational and citizen science project website for the Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council and their partners.


As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council does not act in the interests of any individual or entity. We do not endorse any specific products, services, or companies.


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